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Digital rectal examination (DRE) is part of the assessment of trauma patients as recommended by ATLS®. The theory behind is to aid early diagnosis of potential lower intestinal, urethral and spinal cord injuries. Previous studies suggest that test characteristics of DRE are far from reliable. (Ahl)
The PR/DRE exam falls into a category of diagnostics that can be objective and subjective in nature, but its decision-making value alone is extremely limited. This is not to take away the absolute requirement of all physicians to be good diagnosticians and place hands onto the patient to aid the patient-physician interaction and therapeutic relationship. (Quinn)


In conducting the diagnostic procedure, performed in the ED or on a specialty ward, as with all diagnostics, patient consent must be obtained. Further, privacy must be ensured; a chaperone is always indicated in the emergency department setting and a simple explanation to the patient about the exam, why the exam is being performed and discussion of an alternative if the patient refuses the exam. The patient is placed on their side with the knees pulled towards their chest into the left lateral position. The lubricated and gloved hand of the examiner begins the inspection of the anus and perianal area by separating the buttocks. Observation for thrombosed external hemorrhoids, skin tags, rectal prolapse, fistula-in-ano, condylomata acuminata, carcinoma of the anus, and pruritus ani are examined and noted—all without penetrating finger into anus. Of course, gross blood at the anus, acute and obvious trauma, or incontinence are also observed and ambiance appreciated at this stage.

To perform the exam intrarectally, the tip of the gloved finger is lubricated and placed over the anus, the patient can be encouraged to breathe out. The examiner introduces the finger and palpates for anal fissures, thrombosed external or internal hemorrhoids, an ischiorectal abscess, active proctitis, or anal ulceration [4]. The finger is then rotated so that the left lateral wall, posterior wall, and right lateral wall of the rectum can be palpated in turn; then, the finger is advanced as high as possible into the rectum and slowly withdrawn along the rectal wall. A soft lesion, such as a small rectal carcinoma or polyp, is more likely to be felt with this technique on exit [2].

The patient can then be asked to squeeze the examiner’s finger when still in situ with the anal muscles as a further test of anal tone [4]. This subjective phase of the exam does not account for the depth or width of the examiner’s fingers. It should be noted that among medical students and practicing consultants, no data has been collected or reported on average or maximum/minimum finger girth or length to date.

However, this exam can tell if sphincter tone is present based on the sensation of the examiner alone, if the rectal wall has been breached, if spicules of bone are palpable, if the prostate in a normal position, and subjectively if there is gross blood on the examiner’s finger [5]. Specifically, “the rectal examination may elicit reduced tone from spinal cord injury, bleeding from lower gastrointestinal trauma, bony penetration in pelvic fracture and a high-riding prostate associated with pelvic fracture, an indicator of potential urethral injury” [5]. The presence of rectal tone or variations in rectal tone are poorly reported. In sum, a rectal examination is performed to look for blood, lack of tone/sensation, or high-riding prostate which indicate bowel injury, spinal cord injury, or urethral injury, respectively—the rectal examination can be an important part of the examination, but stool must be tested for blood. (Quinn)
It was found that sphincter tone has poor correlation quality in the emergency setting.
Performed: Axially


Digital rectal exam assessing external and internal structures.


  • No tearing or blood visualization.
  • Normal anatomy and position of external structures
  • Normal prostate size and position, normal urethral position
  • No internal mass or swelling




selection range; grade - LOINC ID

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Average Measurement0.000 0.000


2022-08-12 12:20:37
Test ID:523 Version:0